
用空间收纳自然|Caspar Schols的ANNA小屋【设计画报143期】






对Caspar Schols来说,他的设计旅程是从设计他母亲的花园亭子开始的,这间亭子有一个恰当的名字-花园之家。很快他就发现自己在残酷的设计行业中找到了立足之地。花园之家因为能够根据不同场合和天气情况而重新组合变化而闻名于世。因为这点,他开始了自己作为设计师的职业生涯,同时完善了那些基本步骤的灵活度,最终建造了ANNA小屋

For Caspar Schols, who started his journey by designing his mum’s garden pavilion, aptly called the Garden House, it quickly became evident he had found his footing in the cut-throat design industry. The Garden House quickly became celebrated worldwide for its ability to rearrange layers for different occasions or weather conditions. With this in mind, he set out his career as a designer while expanding those fundamental steps of flexibility to culminate in creating Cabin ANNA.With this in mind, he set out his career as a designer while expanding those fundamental steps of flexibility to culminate in creating Cabin ANNA.

Caspar Schols找到了一个不同寻常的平衡点,将时间与永久居住的空间联系起来,在家与自然与人三者之间展现出了充分的灵活和连贯性。ANNA是一个充满活力的家,它是一个开放式平台,通过使用房屋中各层的配置装置,可以与自然共存,而不是与自然泾渭分明。”

Caspar found a striking balance connecting the temporal with a permanent habitation space, exuding enough flexibility and connectivity between home, nature and people. “ANNA is a dynamic home in the shape of an open platform to live with rather than against the elements, by playing with the configuration of the layers of the house,” he says.

ANNA STAY有两个长滑动壳,带有固定元件,如厨房、淋浴、卫生间和储藏室。它还为你想加入冒险的朋友或家人设计了一个拥有特大号床的夹层。此外,ANNA Meet的设计考虑到了社交方面。它适用于瑜伽、写作、会议、睡觉或体验暴雨等一系列活动。想象一下,在早上醒来,滑动这些控制面板,就可以看到太阳落山时湖面上的浓雾(这绝对值得一试!)最后,ANNA Me可以设计为生活或睡觉,公司休假,度假空间或任何其他概念比如坐在后院或荒野。

ANNA STAY has two long sliding shells with fixed elements like the kitchen, shower, toilet and storage space. It has also been designed with a mezzanine that fits a secondary king size bed for friends and family that may want to join in on the adventure. Additionally, ANNA Meet was designed with the socialising aspect in mind. It is suitable for a range of activities like yoga, writing, meetings, sleeping or experiencing torrential rain – I mean, imagine waking up in the morning and sliding those panels to reveal fog settling on a lake just as the sun sets (definitely insta-worthy!). Finally, ANNA Me can be designed for living or sleeping, a company retreat, holiday space or any other concept to sit in a backyard or the wilderness.  


The interiors are lined with Birch Ply, chosen for its high quality and light colour. It has been insulated with five centimetres of sawdust and is heated using a wood stove – although it comes with the option of installing electric heating. Despite the humble living space, the interiors are designed to feel spacious and welcoming. The long horizontal windows positioned under the roof’s overhang ensure that sunlight illuminates the area in summer without overheating. It is the ideal living space for someone who dreams of having floor-to-ceiling windows with panoramic views celebrating wherever you are. Contrary to that, the shells close to provide a hideaway from the world or protect from harsh weather conditions.






